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Boarding Rules in the dormitory

The dormitory is home to students, and general respect for others is expected in the "household". This helps to ensure that both free-time and study life is a pleasant and secure experience.


After 19.00 the dormitory encourages an atmosphere of peace and quiet in which to conduct homework. The dormitory tries to avoid disturbances caused by unnecessary loud noise and over indulgence in audio equipment etc.


Boarders are expected to clean their rooms and private bathrooms. The rooms should be cleaned at least once a week. In addition, boarders may be asked to help in shared dormitory tasks at times. Non-participation in room cleaning tasks can lead to disciplinary measures being taken.


The school headmaster and/or dormitory superintendents may visit rooms and gain admittance to accommodation facilities without appointment.

Locking time

The dormitory is locked at 24.00 every evening. It is expected that residents will return to the building before this time. Should a student wish to be absent at night, they should register such information in a special absence book plus report this to the supervisors.


All visitors should comply with these rules of conduct (and each resident is responsible for their guests). No visits are allowed after 23:00. Permission for overnight guests is subject to the consent of the superintendents and parent / guardian of students under the age of 18.  It is necessary to give two days’ notice when requesting this.

At the end of your visit

Please note: at the end of term, or when a student leaves the dormitory, rooms should be left in the same condition as when the student first took up residence. A student is not allowed to end their stay without one of the supervisors having first checked the vacated room. In case of damage to the room or dormitory property, the college is subject to compensation. Damage to rooms or dormitory property should, and will be, reported to school headmaster.


If a student is caught stealing property from a dormitory resident or a staff member, he or she will be referred to the college headmaster and disciplinary action will be taken.

Under the 1996 Tobacco Control Act, smoking (e-cigarettes as well as tobacco cigarettes/cigars/pipes) is strictly prohibited on the premises. The consumption and storage of alcohol is likewise banned. Any disruption caused by consumption of alcohol will be dealt with strictly. The same applies to drug use and abuse of prescription and over-the-counter medications. The first violation of this rule will lead to a week´s expulsion.

Remember: the superintendents are in charge of residents´ conformity to all matters relating to the running of the dormitory. Students are obliged to keep the dormitory environment clean. The people in charge of the dormitory are supervised by the school headmaster.


Parking a vehicle directly in front of the lobby entrance or on the pavement or lawns of the dormitory is strictly prohibited. All vehicles must show approved parking permission information to park in the grounds. Unregistered vehicles may be removed.

If a visitor has received more than two notifications of violation of these rules, this will be considered grounds for expulsion and shall be referred to the headmaster.

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